
Hosea 3/Romans 5:1-6

Hosea 3/Romans 5:1-6

This morning we are going to be talking about our response to suffering. In preparing this message it has not been easy. My heart has been on the verge of tears every time I sat down to write, because I know the suffering that many of you are enduring right now. And I have been praying for you and weeping with you. And I have been asking God for wisdom in how to share this without coming across as trite or insensitive. So please hear that is not my heart. But I do know that as I sat with my son in the hospital for the better part of a year, that the truths of God’s word that I had learned, helped me a great deal in that time. It helped me to have hope and to worship God amidst the struggle. So while some of this may not help you in the midst of your pain, and may just feel like cold comfort, but it’s my prayer that God’s word might equip all of us for when we experience pain.