I don’t think my final blog will be anything revolutionary; I think it’s probably something that’s been said many times before. I find it difficult to come up with something meaningful on the spot, however when I’m relaxed and at peace maybe that’s when God gives us some of the most interesting and challenging conversations.
I think about the past four years here at SVBC, and I will look back fondly on the memories, the laughter, the conversations with coffee, prayers, even the meetings here. I will miss many aspects of our time together. However, I know that God is still here serving SVBC as we are serving Him. I know that no matter what happens, God is mightier than our dreams and desires.
I am trepidatious, at best; wondering how I’m going to jump into the next phase of my life. And I know I am not alone in this room in feeling this way; I know that all of you have some of the same fears because there has been so much change; unprecedented here in—well I don’t know if SVBC has ever experienced this much change in such a short time. Change brings about one of humanities greatest fears – the unknown. The unknown is the fear of the dark, what lies in the shadows, what is right in front of you yet cannot be touched, seen, felt, smelt or tasted. It must be leaped into. That is scary.
For many years, here at SVBC we have operated knowing what will happen tomorrow. We came to serve with each other, serve each other, and went home afterwards. As November begins, there will be a “new-normal”. What a gross term! There will be the unknown, and I think everyone is feeling the same way.
There is One who does know what is right in front us. There is One who does know what exactly is the best and the next for SVBC. He is already here with us, waiting for our prayers, our questions, our concerns, our tears. He is not a “God of confusion, but of peace.” (1 Cor. 14:33.
Psalm 34:3, “I sought the Lord, and He answered me and delivered me from all my fears.” Is there any greater reminder today than this? “It is the Lord who goes before you; He will be with you; He will not forsake nor leave you. Do not fear or be dismayed.”
These two verses from Psalm 34 and Deuteronomy 31 are my prayers for this transition time at SVBC. So many positive things can come from these changes. I’ve heard it said; “suffering gives life it’s meaning”. I don’t agree at all. The Lord gives life its meaning. However, suffering gives us perspective; it keeps us humble and walking that straight and narrow path towards God. As we suffer in this time, use it to focus on God and be prayerful over what is next for ourselves, our families, and our body of Christ here at SVBC.