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Women's Ministry Spring Potluck Brunch

SVBC Women's Ministry is pleased to invite you to join us for a Potluck Brunch on Saturday, May 11th, beginning with coffee at 9am.

Brunch and program will begin at 9:30am, with guest speaker Christine Okken who will be sharing about how God can turn places of grief and difficulty into places of flourishing and growing vitality. It will be a time of food, friendship, music, prayer, and testimony.  

All ladies from grade 6 and up are welcome to attend, so invite your friend, neighbour, daughter, mother, niece, aunt, grandma, or any other lady who would enjoy the time of fellowship and encouragement. 

Tickets are $5 each and can be purchased on Sundays in the Foyer or during Office Hours in the Church Office beginning Sunday, April 21st. (This small fee helps us to plan for more accurate numbers, and will be used to help cover the costs of the brunch and to send each woman home with a small treat.) 

*Please bring a dish to share.* 

For more info contact: