
Matthew 9:18-34

Matthew 9:18-34

Sometimes, people try to deny the differences between men and women. But we have to face facts. Men and women have some differences. I think one of the biggest areas of difference concerns asking for help in a store or for directions when lost. Many females have no issue asking for such help. But for guys, this can be a great struggle.

We go to stores and would wander around and find things ourselves. We consider it a victory if we find everything without having to consult with a store clerk. If we can’t find something, we blame the store’s organization system and can’t understand why they don’t organize things like we would. When we travel, some of us guys love to chart the direction and find our way like an explorer. But there is the odd time when the GPS doesn’t quite match up with reality. Then the wife or girlfriend will make the dreaded suggestion. “Why don’t we stop and ask for directions.” For some reason, this simple questions ticks the man off. “I don’t need to ask for directions. I’m pretty sure this is the way. I can figure this out.” But after circling town a few more times with the kids starting to get car sick, the male sheepishly breaks down and stop at a gas station. Inside, the clerks are usually very helpful at giving directions that get us on our way. Then the man comes out with justification that he just about knew the right way. When he announces the proper direction, the wife or girlfriend provides encouragement. But they may also look out the side window and offer a victory smile to a passerby or whisper under their breath “I told you so.” Has anyone here experienced something similar to that ever in their lives?

Why is it we sometimes have such a hard time asking for help?