
1 Corinthians 2

Guest Speaker: Darrell K.

1 Corinthians 2 

How many of you have ever watched the game show Jeopardy?
• Hugely Popular
• The show pits three people against each other and they answer some of the most obscure questions known to man.
• Questions like “Thomas Jefferson’s dogs second batch of puppies bore this famous bird dog”.
• I used to think that this was the most amazing display of knowledge I have ever seen and how do these people know this stuff?
• I was impressed by them and their intelligence until I read an article written by a person who actually was on the show. In it He explained how they as contestants were given the topic for the next show and were asked to read all the information and then retain what they read. Once the show was aired each had been given the same knowledge as the others and really it was a test of reading comprehension and retention rather than a test of a persons existing knowledge.
• According to this contestant, the lights are dimmed as the host reads the question. Once complete the lights are brought back up and then the contestants are allowed to ring in their buzzer. Ring too soon and you are locked out. Ring too late and you’ve missed your opportunity. If you are successful in ringing in you then must answer the question properly.
• The comment that he ended with (He lost miserably by the way) is that knowledge is not enough. You need to know when and how to ring the buzzer in order to be able to have an opportunity to speak what you know. In other words; You need to have wisdom about how the game is played in order for the knowledge you have to be useful.