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Guest Speaker: Curtis Graham

Good morning. I'm not sure how many of you know this about me, other than my brother-in-law, cousin, and my wife, but I'm a bit of a lover of the saga "The Lord of the Rings." Today, I'm opening up and sharing some very intimate details about myself – brace yourselves for these embarrassing photos of me in my youth at the premiere of Return of the King. Yes, I am in the blonde wig, dressed up as Legolas.

This was a great night, and my College and Career group had a blast. Having lived in the city for only a few years, I assumed I was anonymous. That is until we were leaving the theatre. As I packed up my stuff, a voice called out from behind: "Curtis? Curtis Graham, from Wainwright, right?" Sheer dread flooded me. It was a kid from a grade below me.  At that moment, I realized the true power of words. My carefully crafted new identity was shattered!  I'm sure it made for great gossip back in our small town.