
2 Corinthians 9:1-15

2 Corinthians 9:1-15

There are several reasons you or I might be unable to describe a Christmas gift. We might be overcome with emotion so that words fail us. We might be unable to identify the gift. We might open it and say “It’s beautiful – just what I always wanted. Uh – what is it?” Or we might care so little for a gift that we might not even bother to describe it.

Our failures would not make the gift indescribable, however, for there would always be someone else who could describe it. The salesperson could describe it, and probably did. So could the manufacturer. If it is a large or well-known gift, many others might get into the act. 40 years ago, an actor named Richard Burton gave his actress wife Elizabeth Taylor the largest diamond that anyone had ever given anybody (except a king). It was a superlative present, worth over a million dollars. But it was not indescribable. On the contrary, it was described in every newspaper in the country so that soon nearly everyone knew the diamond’s size, color, shape and value.
So what might make a gift indescribable?