Exodus 34:29-35; 2 Corinthians 3:7-18
In the Spring of 2018, the church leadership presented Vision 2025 to the congregation. We aim to trust God for 250 new believers by 2025. These new believers would be more than converts. They will proclaim their faith in a public way through baptism or testimony to others; they would be connected to a smaller community of believers with whom they can grow and do life together & they would be involved in some sort of ministry to others. We pray this new group of believers will be transformed from self-centered, self-exalting people to God-centered, Christ-exalting servants who live for the good of others.
But how does such transformation happen? How will new believers know they are among a God’s people here if we ourselves are not transformed? We need to submit ourselves to God’s transforming work today no matter where we’re at in our Christian walk. Whatever you face in your life today, you need God’s work in your life. You might be going through something difficult. But you must not think that you’ll make time to grow in Christ when the difficulty passes. Recognize that God calls you to draw near to Him through this difficulty. And this might be a tremendous time of transformation in your life.