2 Corinthians 4:1-6
Its Thanksgiving weekend. It’s a great opportunity to stop and give thanks. But what does that mean. I looked up thankful on my computer dictionary. It says to be thankful means to “feel or show gratitude.” So I looked up gratitude to see if it went deeper in helping me grasp this. It said gratitude is a “feeling of thankfulness.” Thanks a lot. So I went to some of the online dictionaries for some other definitions of thankful. Here’s a good one. To be thankful is to be “conscious of a benefit received.”
So today, what benefits are you conscious of that you have received? What would be your top 3 reasons to be thankful today? Has everyone got three in their minds? Ok now, did the Bible make your top 3? When I thought about this for myself, my top 3 immediately went to my family, health and God. Probably somewhere within the God category I would eventually get to the Bible. But I have to admit it’s not right up there on my thanksgiving list.
But should it be? Might our view of the Bible and our experience with it affect whether or not it would register on our Thanksgiving list. We’ve been talking about the Bible through all of September. We first asked the question “What view do you hold of the Bible.” Then we asked the question “Why do we need a Bible?” Last week, we asked “What does the Bible say about itself?” We looked at one passage which displays Scripture’s view of itself. “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction and for training in righteousness that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.” So the Bible claims to be God’s Word or from God. Since God always speaks truth, it follows that the Bible claims to speak truth.
But how can the average person know the Bible is true?