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Your heavenly Father knows your needs – Matthew 6:32-33

Yesterday, we talked about the reality that many have experienced this past week – lay offs from work. On top of that, business owners ponder the future with their businesses closed by government order. These realities can lead to anxiety and worry about our present needs and future provision.

We saw that God promises to provide for our basic needs – food and clothing. We also noticed the reminders of His providing care in creation. The birds of the air still find food. The lilies of the field are still clothed in beauty.

A third observation from Matthew 6:25-34 is found in Matthew 6:32. “Your heavenly Father knows that you need them all.” God knows exactly what we need and promises to provide. We don’t have to wonder if God lacks awareness of our needs. We don’t have to imagine Him at the top of some huge bureaucracy where it’s impossible to get his attention. He is acutely away of our needs.

In Canada, He provides through our governments and the help we can give one another. Our governments have taken extraordinary measures to help people losing their jobs at this time. That provision ultimately comes from the Lord. We still have to go through the process of applying but we at least have somewhere to apply. He also provides for our needs through others close to us. In speaking with some of our seniors over the passed few days, I was thankful to hear how their children or friends check in on them and get them what they need.

Yet, I am led to invite us to spend today focusing on this phrase – “Your heavenly father knows what you need.” He promises to provide for what we really need. He has resources way beyond any government. Philippians 4:19 – “And my God will supply all your needs according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.”

So in light of God’s promises, God’s provision for creation and God’s awareness of our needs, how must we respond. Matthew 6:33 – “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”

“Heavenly Father, thank you for the reassurance that you know what we need. Help us to trust your word and your faithfulness. Help us see the difference between what we really need and what we think we need. Show us where we can join the advance of your kingdom by serving and helping others in need. Amen.”