
Matthew 18:1-14

Matthew 18:1-14

We don’t go to school to learn how to do them. We don’t formally sign up for them. We don’t get certificates for doing them well. We can have lots of them or hardly any. We have to do them. We are immersed in them from the moment we are born. We learn how to do them by trial and error and by teaching from our parents. We can do them well or badly. We can experience out of this world joy through them or soul crushing sadness in them. Our ability or inability with them can impact so many other parts of our lives.                

What are they? Relationships. A relationship is some sort of connection with another person. We have them in school, work, buying and selling, on a team, marriage, parents and kids, siblings, extended family, dating, medical, legal, social and with God. Everyone here has experience in relationships – some positive – some negative.   How are you doing in your relationships today?