When I was in my early 20’s, I had a very close call. I lived in a downtown apartment with some roommates. On a Sunday morning, I went with my roommate to drive to church. We came upon this intersection with a building right on the corner. You could not see if cars were coming from the direction covered by this building. We had a green light and my friend drove at 50 or 60 km/hour. As we entered the intersection, we suddenly saw a black car on our left. Before my friend even had time to react, it was in front of us. We t-boned the car. We hit the passenger side at full speed. Thankfully, no one was in that seat. The car we hit was an older Lincoln Continental, a massive car with apparently pretty good reinforcement. We were in a VW Latitude Burden. The front end of my friend’s car, a VW rabbit or golf, just crumpled and bent sideways. The lady driving the Lincoln apparently missed the red light.