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On this Easter Sunday, we have a unique opportunity to think about the impact of Jesus’ resurrection on our lives in this unusual time. So here are 6 answers to the question, “What does Jesus resurrection say to us today?”

1) Jesus is alive and aware of everything going on in our lives. He knows all about this pandemic and the impact Its having worldwide. He knows how it has affected each one of us. We don’t follow a dead hero whose cause we try to carry on. We follow a living person who knows what we face every moment.

2) The risen Christ desires that we entrust our lives to Him. He will not force Himself into anyone’s life. But to those who put the trust of their lives upon Him, He will come in as Savior, King and Shepherd. He invites us to come to Him and find rest. So it’s possible for you to experience soul rest today because of the living Christ.

3) If things get worse, the resurrected Lord stays with us. Many of us put our hope in things getting back to normal sooner rather than later. But what if they don’t? What if a return to “normal” it takes much longer? Then our hope will be constantly disappointed. But with hope in the risen Christ, we never lose hope even if things get worse.

4) If we or a loved gets sick or dies from COVID-19, Christ will walk with those who trust Him through death’s valley into paradise with Him. He will walk with those bereaved through their bereavement. We can look forward to reunited with our deceased loved ones who knew Christ when they are resurrected.

5) The resurrected Lord will walk with us through any transitions we must go through. If our lives permanently change because of this resulting in a need to move or switch jobs, the resurrected Christ will walk with us. He will walk with us through whatever transitions we need to make.

6) Jesus’ resurrection means we can live as forgiven people. Jesus suffering and death on the cross came in our place. His blood and death paid the penalty for our sin. But if Jesus was not resurrected, He is a liar. No liar can serve as a substitute for others. It could only be a sinless sacrifice. But Jesus’ death and resurrection releases those who trust Him from their sin guilt.

So instead of putting our hopes that life will get back to normal by a certain date, let us hope in the resurrected Lord who will walk with through whatever comes. Happy Easter!